In this post we will resolve the machine Falafel from HackTheBox
It’s a high-level Linux machine.

My nick in HackTheBox is: manulqwerty
If you have any proposal or correction do not hesitate to leave a comment.



As always, the first thing will be a port scan with Nmap:

nmap -sC -sV

Let’s take a look at the Web:

We’ll find a login.php so we’ll try: iron’ or ‘1’=’1 in order to try to bypass the login

As you can see we obtain ‘ Wrong identification: admin ‘
We will use SQLMAP for injection:

sqlmap -r login.txt --batch --level 5 --risk 3 --string "Wrong identification" --dbs
sqlmap -r login.txt --batch --level 5 --risk 3 --string "Wrong identification" -D falafel --tables
sqlmap -r login.txt --batch --level 5 --risk 3 --string "Wrong identification" -D falafel -T users --dump

We test the credentials we have:

As you can see, he talks about juggling. After a fast search we find this post:
Let’s try it if it works:

After bypassear the login, being admin see the tab UPLOAD:

Apparently we can upload images from a URL, the server uses wget to get it.

After trying several ways to bypasse the extension restriction, we realize that if the name of the file exceeds 236,the server crops it:


We create our payload .php with msfvenom:

We take a look at the files of /var/www/html; In the connection.php We see the credentials:


When doing id we see that we are in the group video, so let’s see if there is anything that can serve us in the Frame Buffer:


cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/virtual_size

We open it with gimp

We test the credentials that you see in the Image:

We access the user Yossi through SSH with the credentials obtained:

ssh [email protected]

As you see, we belong to the Disk group. So let’s look if in /dev/* there is something that can help us to escalate to root
We can access the folder/root by:

debugfs /dev/sda1

Where we can simply read the root.txt or can use the rsa that we find in /root/.ssh

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